Big Idea of the Series:

The world in which we live today seems to take pride in flaunting a variety of ways to sin (though not calling it sin) and blaming someone else for the consequences. The reality, however, is that the original source of temptation has never changed from the very beginning when Adam and Eve gave in to temptation and sinned in the garden. For the next 6 weeks, we are going to dive into the nature of temptation and sin in order to grow our understanding on how to combat the works of the enemy!

Week 1- (7/7/2024)

The Beatitudes- Andrew Russell (7/21/24)

Week 4 - (8/4/2024)

VBS Sunday - God Keeps His Promises (8/18/2024)

Week 2 - (7/14/2024)

Week 3 - (7/28/2024)

Week 5 - (8/11/2024)

Week 6 - (8/25/2024) & Child Dedication Sunday